When Shah Rukh Khan Expressed Hope His Son Would Be A Serial Molester And Druggie

The involvement of Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan in a drug scandal may have shocked many Bollywood lovers but not those who remember this old video where Shah Rukh Khan happily expressed a wish that he wanted his son to be a druggie and a skirt-chaser.

Why a parent would wish, even as a joke, such a promiscuous lifestyle for his child, while knowing fully well that the child would watch the interview, is beyond one’s comprehension.

There is another point to ponder over. Would the actor have been just as happy wishing it for his daughter? A drug-loving playgirl, maybe? Why then did he think it was okay for him for say that he wished Aryan Khan would “spoil the whole of city and all the girls”?

On the other hand, he said in an interview that if he saw a man kissing his daughter Suhana (she was 16 then), he would “rip off his lips”. Watch this space for that clip and more.

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I watch how Bollywood engages with and represents Hindu society. A non-Marxist film critic writing in English.

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